Saturday, April 14, 2007

Equus Caballus

In this post I am going to write about the History of the horse. Equus Caballus is the modern horse which took over 600 million years to develop. Its earliest ancestor was Eohippus which lived in the marsh lands. Eohippus had an arched bunny like back, was about the size of a bunny, the animal also had five fingers. As the earth changed and things became warmer the swamp lands receded and the modern day Equus Caballus started to evolve. The horses were forced to move from the swamps onto the plains. All of a sudden natural selection started calling for a much larger animal that needed to be able to run fast in order to defend itself. The toes on Eohipppus did not just merely disappear but they slowly receded into the horse. Today remnants of these bones can be seen in Equus Caballus's legs. If anyone would like to add to this post please feel free to do so.

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